Downloading Wordpress

Was using Local in Windows 11 fine for quite a long period. I have done a fresh install of Windows 11 and installed a fresh version of Local, but when I try to create a new site, it just will not get past ‘Downloading Wordpress’.

Using the latest version of Local with router mode set to localhost and still does not work!

Hi @gareth7o9

Are you running other developer applications simultaneously? That could also cause similar issues. Apps like MAMP, XAMPP, or Docker for example.

Do you have any antivirus, security, or firewall applications that could be blocking Local?

If you’re still having trouble can you provide a Local Log for us? There are some different ways to access and share Local Logs. For us to be able to troubleshoot thoroughly, please click the Download Local Logs button from the Support tab in Local. This will generate a zip archive that contains the Local log along with some other diagnostic information to help quickly zero in on any issues that Local is encountering.

Hi, thanks for reply. I’ve actually got it working!

After days of installing and reinstalling, I just fired up my VPN to see if it was maybe my IP being blocked or blocking something and it worked!

My IP is a v6 address, so I’m not sure if that would cause an issue? Anyway, it worked through a VPN, downloaded WordPress and now I’m back on my own IP and it’s working :slight_smile:

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Nice @gareth7o9! Thank you for sharing what worked here.

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