Envato Template Kit Import : API Error on template import

Has anyone found a way to get Envato Template Kit Import to work with LOCAL?

Envato Template Import Plug-In
Tools>Template Kit
Upload Template Kit ZIP File (see attached image)
Select ZIP file
Error message (see attached image)
Debug file

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "Envato_Template_Kit_Import\NONCE_SALT" in C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-content\plugins\template-kit-import\vendor\template-kit-import\inc\class-importer.php:124 Stack trace: #0 C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-content\plugins\template-kit-import\inc\backend\class-template-kits.php(53): Envato_Template_Kit_Import\Importer->install_template_kit_zip_to_db('C:\\Windows\\Temp...') #1 C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-content\plugins\template-kit-import\inc\api\class-template-kit-install.php(40): Template_Kit_Import\Backend\Template_Kits->process_zip_file('C:\\Windows\\Temp...') #2 C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-includes\rest-api\class-wp-rest-server.php(1171): Template_Kit_Import\API\Template_Kit_Install->upload_template_kit_zip_file(Object(WP_REST_Request)) #3 C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-includes\rest-api\class-wp-rest-server.php(1018): WP_REST_Server->respond_to_request(Object(WP_REST_Request), '/template-kit-i...', Array, NULL) #4 C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-includes\rest-api\class-wp-rest-server.php(442): WP_REST_Server->dispatch(Object(WP_REST_Request)) #5 C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-includes\rest-api.php(410): WP_REST_Server->serve_request('/template-kit-i...') #6 C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(308): rest_api_loaded(Object(WP)) #7 C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array) #8 C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-includes\plugin.php(565): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #9 C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-includes\class-wp.php(399): do_action_ref_array('parse_request', Array) #10 C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-includes\class-wp.php(780): WP->parse_request('') #11 C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-includes\functions.php(1332): WP->main('') #12 C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-blog-header.php(16): wp() #13 C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\index.php(17): require('C:\\Users\\Thurst...') #14 {main} thrown in C:\Users\Thurstan\Local\alladaviescouk\app\public\wp-content\plugins\template-kit-import\vendor\template-kit-import\inc\class-importer.php on line 124
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Hi @Thurstan

These might help:

Meme probleme, meme erreur, je ne peux pas importer de template kit avec LocalWP, et je travaille qu’avec ca en général, je suis vraiment decu je voulais utiliser ce logiciel mais je ne peux pas du coup.
De ce que j’ai cru comprendre ce n’est pas possible d’importer un template kit :

Same problem, same error, I can’t import a template kit with LocalWP, and I only work with it in general, I’m really disappointed I wanted to use this software but I can’t.
From what I understand it is not possible to import a template kit: