ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED on every new sites

Hi there,

I wanted to create a new site this morning, but I can not access it. I have the following error in Google Chrome under macOS: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.

I then uninstall local and virtualbox and do a fresh installation. But I still have the same error ! I tested on Safari, I have the same error. I also check my hosts file which seems correct.

Does anyone have any idea what’s going on?

EDIT: After some tests, I can connect to MailHog on port 4003, but still not on my site (with port 80 ?!).


Hi @weevood,

Sorry for the trouble!

Can you please provide your local-by-flywheel.log file? You can access it by going to Help » Reveal Local’s Log.

Of Course, here it is…
local-by-flywheel.log (122.0 KB)