I have several sites on my computer that I have built via Local with wordpress. All of the sudden Local will not start up. I have looked into the console logs of Local, and the bottom part advised to downgrade virtualbox to 5.0.12 and it was not able to successfully install. Here is the error I get with Local when I try to launch it. and Another photo of when I try to install the older version of virtualbox. Also getting a “kernel driver not installed” error message when trying to start the local by flywheel machine in the Virtual box manager.
Update to the most current version of VirtualBox.
Yeah I had the most recent version of virtual box and got these errors. In the flywheel console log there was advice to downgrade to virtual box 5.0.12 to resolve and from there still have not been able to start local.
Is there a way to upload my Wordpress website root files , eg: public > wp-content …etc , into another Wordpress instance, I have a site that I have been developing via local by flywheel and since all of the sudden the application does not launch then I need to some how finish the website I was working on. Any thoughts? I have backups of the sites saved from Locals app files.
This same type of issue was related to the Mojave beta not being able to install the proper kernel extension file (it has been revolved with the newest version of virtualbox), but these instructions might very well help if youre still having that issue. Not sure which version of VB youre running or why you’re suddenly not able to load those extensions, but this resolves that exact same issue in the Mojave beta so it might get you up and running. Or not. Worth a try.