I manage to use Local on Ubuntu by fixing the librt error.
First, note that my answer is related to Ubuntu:
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal
Also, my local librt and the php version may vary depending on your needs, so change it accordingly.
I first delete the existing libert in lightning services, it’s simply where it gets the error from:
rm ~/.config/Local/lightning-services/php-7.4.1+10/bin/linux/shared-libs/librt.so.1
Then I look at which librt is used and where is located:
whereis librt
I get “/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so” -
Then I relink librt with the wanted php version from Local:
ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so ~/.config/Local/lightning-services/php-7.4.1+10/bin/linux/shared-libs/librt.so.1
You can now delete the project that was not working and reinstall it, it will work!