Error Installing Wordpress For.. I want to start

Help …

Hi @Chantal

If you change your PHP version down to 7.3.5 does it work?

The error indicates you might be on an OS version that has reached its End of Life, which means we haven’t compiled it for newer PHP versions.

We have some details about this on our Install doc below.

Hi, thank you for your advice indeed my mac is old and the version should not be taken into account. However, now with the correct version, I have this:

Hi @Chantal

Can you create a new, blank site with an older PHP version and open it?

Can you provide some more details as well here?

  • What is your OS?

  • What version of Local are you on?

  • Please attach a copy of your Local Logs

I deleted the site to redo it!
The error message is still displayed!
And when I do Ok and I change the PHP version the site redirects me to wordpress but asks me for a host etc.

I have macOS High Sierra version 10.13.6

I tried the latest version then I tried 6.5.1 then 6.4.3 (which I currently have)

local-lightning.log (176.9 KB)

Okay so you’re on Local 6.4.3 and what PHP/WP/mysql versions are you choosing?

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