Host Local on an external drive?

I keep a lot of sites around during dev, and have resolved the problem of having only 500gb on this macbook by using ddev with orbstack, and storing all the docker images on an attached SSD.

Local seems to only want to install its assets into ~/Library, which means that if I use it much, and keep its sites available, I’m going to eat the laptop’s space up quickly.

Is there really no way to tell this thing to install in such a way that it uses an external drive, not just for its code and sql (Sites) folders, but for the actual data images?

Hi @datawench

If you go to Preferences >. New Site Defaults you can change your Sites Path there if that’s what you’re after. Local will still boot up the main configuration framework items on the default hard drive, though.

Yeah, this pretty much confirms what I expected. I do know that site assets can be stored off the OS drive, but I was wondering if the infrastructure - the actual container and data images - could be as well. Evidently not. Thanks.

(Was that second reply a bot?)

What second reply are you referring to @datawench? No bots here :sunglasses:

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