How can I delete a cloud backup?

Hi there!
I just upgraded to Local 6.0.0 and am very excited about the pro features. I just tried a cloud backup to my google drive and after a couple hours I accidentally stopped the site. The backup was still in progress. I believe this is not a complete backup since I didn’t let it finish. I just move the backup from the LocalBackups folder to the trash in my google drive. However, in Local I still see the backup. How do I delete this backup?
Thank you!

Same issue here, deleting the backup from Google Drive then sees the reference to that backup ‘stuck’ in Local app. There’s no option to delete it from Local. Removing the cloud backup addon, then reinstalling doesn’t fix this.

Once you’ve done this to a site, there’s also no way to continue backing up as it’s missing the initial backup and can’t make incremental ones from there.

Basically this addon is half implemented in my opinion, missing a ‘delete’ option and the issues that stem from that scenario.

Digging through Local’s files on my mac, it’s not obvious at all where I can manually remove the reference to the backup either.

So in it’s current iteration, the cloud backup addon works if users backup then continue backing up. Remove the backup from Google drive and it breaks permanently and is also stuck in your Local installation forever. Half done imo, since removing backups is also half the function a backup solution needs.

In my case I’d done a Local cloud backup with Updraft backup .zips in my wp-content folder, so I deleted the original Cloud Backup from Google drive to save space and start again. The reason to delete from Google Drive was because there was no delete option in Local, then after doing so I quickly found out Local gets stuck without the files in Google Drive as well.

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