I need to collaborate with some colleagues on the same website, that is hosted locally on my Mac (through of course Local).
Is there any possibility to add my teammates as editors? Like sharing a link, adding them somewhere or whatever…
I’ve already tried adding users directly from WordPress, but it didn’t work because my colleague didn’t receive any email at the address I specified.
Thanks a lot in advance
Hi @zanubiadp - currently there isn’t a simple way to have multiple users working on the same site as it only resides on your machine. One way would be for you to work on the site, and then when you’re done export it and share it with your colleague who could then import it on their end and do their work. If you utilize WP Engine or Flywheel, you could create a demo site or staging environment and then each of you could push your changes to the site and pull down the updated site as another option.
Hello @zanubiadp - thank you so much for your question!
Were you able to try out @Nick-B’s suggestions?
Let us know!
Thank you,
Yeah sorry, I didn’t notice e the email!
Actually for the way my team and I have organized our work I can’t really work on it first, and then export it to let them work on it…
And we are in a very initial stage with some other costs involved so we can’t make use of an additional paid service at the moment…
We found that “altervista” allows for collaborative use acceding with the same credentials, so I think we’ll go for it for now…
But thank you so much for the suggestions, we’ll certainly get back to Local in the future, I loved it!
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