How to use HTML & PHP project using Local Flywheel? I was used Wampserver, there is a folder called www folder, in MAPM/Xampp htdoc is there any fodler for use as public_html in Local Flywheel [like live server]? Thanks
Hi Mohsin,
You can use Local for non-WordPress projects by doing the following:
- Create a new site
- Browse to
in site folder - Remove all of the WordPress files
- Go to Database tab for the site in Local
- Open either Adminer or Sequel Pro
- Remove all of the tables in the
database - Right-click on the site and save it as a Blueprint so you can create a new blank site simply by using the Blueprint
Where to see saved Blueprint? I accidentally saved twice. I want to remove one Blueprint. Thanks
You can manage Blueprints by going to Preferences » Blueprints.
You can access Preferences by going to Local by Flywheel » Preferences on macOS. If you’re on Windows you’ll find Preferences under the menu in the top-left of the window.
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I got it, thanks.
This worked great. Also, as a compliment to this, here is a great article that talks about how to set up Local with Craft CMS, for anyone going down that road.
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