Http error uplodaing images

FRESH install today of latest version of Local. Windows 7 Pro 64 BIT, 32GB RAM, 960 SSD, Intel I7.

WP 4.8.2
PHP 7.1.4
MySql 5.6.34

No matter what size image I try to upload I get an error message of http error

Hi @nevis1,

Sorry for the trouble!

Does this happen if you use nginx? Also, does this happen if you use the Preferred environment?

My server uses Apache. Found out that if I stop services, then restart, it works. Some kind of timeout issue…maybe for security reasons?

REALLY Impressed with this theme so far, been using WP since 2006. Have hundreds if not thousands of themes. Genesis, DIVI, SoloStream, etc.

Can you send me some links to videos?
