When using multi-file uploader I got this message. Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page.
But there is no media uploaded successfully.
When using browser uploader I got this kind of error: # 405 Not Allowed nginx/1.16.0
I am using Mac Catalina and here is the information of my Local version:
Webserver: nginx
PHP version: 7.3.2
Database: MySQL 8.0.15
Wordpress version: 5.3
I just tried to upload one simple jpeg image with small size like 320 × 320 at one time.
It seems like no matter what size or filetype it is I cannot upload any media successfully.
Please let me know if you need any other information about this issue.
Still seeing this.
Updated Local to 5.5.3
Update PHP to 7.4.1
Tried Nginx and Apache
Tried php 7.3.5 and 5.6.39
Memory limit in php.ini is already 356.
The image size is 800x800 px and about 250kb
permission on uploads folder is 755.