I can't recover the password

Issue Summary

I have another Local Mommunity account and I can’t recover the password


I try to recover the local community password through the Password Reset process, but I don’t receive the email with the link to create the new password.

How can I proceed to regain access to this account?

Is there any other support channel that can help me?

Hello @cristianoluchini - thank you for your question.

To clarify, are you trying to reset your password for a Local site or for https://hub.localwp.com/?

Thank you for your response so I can point you in the right direction!


I’m trying to set the new password for http://community.localwp.com/

Hi @cristianoluchini -

Thank you for clarifying! Have you checked your Spam folder for an email from the forums to reset your password?

Sam :woman_technologist:t3:

Yes, I already checked.

I have already done the test using a Gmail account and in the Gmail account I receive the email to recover the password, but in the kezily@inovalize.com.br account I do not receive it.

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