I transfered website to live server - I forgot to change the email and I can't log in back

I created website on local server and yesterday I migrated it to my real website. Everything was working fine but today I can’t log in to my website because apparently the password was too weak and it forces me to reset my password. The problem is that I forgot to change email since this migration and the new password went to the default one with “wpengine.local” ending. I have no idea what I can do to access my website back. Anybody had this problem and can help me please?

If you have access to the database you can change the email there, it would be in the users table. You can change the email and password in this table. If your not familiar with changing the password this way leave it as is and just change the email.

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Hi @mkmagu1 - thank you for sharing this!

I also wanted to share with @Monika170 that in order to change that password you can follow this workflow:

Thank you!
