Is there a Back-Up File or Previous Version

I installed 4 or 5 plug-in updates today & BOOM…I lost ALL formatting. Of course I hadn’t backed anything up don’t even bother to ask! I there anyway to get what I had done back or should I just start over?

Sadly, Local doesn’t have built-in backups here, so you’ll most likely have to start over.

However for the issue to occur after merrily going along installing plugins is unusual and makes me think one of the said plugins caused this issue.

As such maybe deactivating it resolves the issue.

Not sure though.

Hi Chrisfly,

I figured it out last night and my files were all still there (and I have since backed them up).

I was ready to transfer the site so I loaded & activated the plugin-in and that’s when All-in-One WP Migration “everything went to hell”!

So, yes I deactivated it and everything “went back to normal”.

I used All-in-One WP Migration since a Flywheel White-Paper suggested it, do you have any other recommendations that I could look at?

David Crook

Hey David,

Sorry for the trouble with All-in-One WP Migration! When the formatting went bad, did you see any errors?

As far as alternatives go, I’ve been a fan of Duplicator for quite some time.

None, no errors what-so-ever.

I’ve only tried it once so far so I’m no expert. I create most of my sites with the Thrive Architect Plugin and use their Minus theme as well.

I’ll try Duplicator and let you know how that goes.

Thanks for following up.

David Crook

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