Hi there, I do have the same kind of problem. I figured out that since I installed the last version of Local, problem occurs. Let’s use this image so you understand my idea :
In my case, my install is : OS files on an SSD / Users files on a disk called MAC
So instead of Home directory /Users/johnappleseed I get /Volumes/MAC/johnappleseed
Problem is, when the computer starts:
1/ My user disk becomes /Volume/MAC 1/johnappleseed
2/ it creates a new folder /Volumes/MAC/jonhappleseed
In this folder, we find :
After installing Local 5.6.6 (without unstalling Localbyflywheel 3.3.0 ), I had to relink my user files.
I hope you will come up with a solution… Thanks a lot
This sounds like a different issue than the bug from the previous thread, so I moved it to its own topic!
One thing to clarify is that the 3.3.0 version of Local is very old and is the last version that made use of Docker to manage WordPress sites. Because of this, we call that line of version numbers the “Classic” Local, and call the 5.x and above versions just Local (or sometimes Local Lightning).
One consequence of this is that there are two configuration folders under ~/Library/Application Support/ – one for Local by Flywheel (the classic version) and one for Local (the new, lightning version).
From the example that is provided, I’m not quite sure I understand what’s happening. It sounds like the user directory is being re-mounted from a different volume – is that correct? I think that re-linking should only be needed one time due to the large jump in version numbers.
If there is some other recurring issue, that might be a system level issue that needs to be addressed within the macOS settings themselves.
Hi Ben,
Thank you very much for your support.
To dig into the problem I decided to :
1/ Backup with Time Machine on the day before I’ve been installing Local
2/ Unstall completely Localbyflywheel and VirtualBox following the steps decribed here
3/ And finally install the last version of Local. Worked all day with it and turned off my computer on the evening.
But this morning, same problem than before occurs. Here is what I had to do to get around the problem :
1/ Open a new admin session
2/ Unmount the hard disk UserDisk (on which I have my user directory)
3/ Delete the unwanted folder with Terminal : sudo rm -rf /Volume/UserDisk
4/ Remount the hard disk UserDisk (check the mounting location, was OK /Volume/UserDisk)
5/ Switch to my usual user session
I’ll try to restart now and let you know if it keep repeating.
Hi again, now my sites are running but Firefox cannot connect to the server.
To fix it, I added a new website, it has been working. And then, my sites worked again.
I hope I will help you resolve this issue.