Loading my websites onto Local using Updraft Premium backup files

I am having trouble getting started with Local.

If I can get started and see that it works for me, I will sign up by PRO.

I am running 5 WordPress sites.

I want to replicate one of them onto Local using the backup files that are generated with Updraft Premium.

There are two files that Updraft sends to me when I backup each of my 5 sites.

Let’s take one site.

Here are the two files (below).

Please tell me, STEP-BY-STEP, EXACTLY how enable the site on Local.

Please know that I tried your Flywheel community for instruction. Very confusing, and no help at all.





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I haven’t tried using Updraft Premium, but it looks like the general steps can be found here:

You might also take a look at this Youtube video that goes into more detail about how to use the various features of Updraft:

Ben - thank you for the links. They teach how to use Updraft, but do not contain the answer to the original question, which is also mine.

Sorry that my links weren’t helpful, I’m not quite sure what the question is.

I’ve never worked with Updraft, but I would think the basic flow for restoring a backup that was created using Updraft would be something like:

  1. Create a new, plain site in Local
  2. Install the Updraft plugin within the Local site
  3. Use the plugin within the WordPress admin of the Local Site to restore the site using the backup files that it gives you.

Alternatively, if those files that are given contain a database sql file as well as the contents of the wp-content directory, then you should be able to restore the site by following the steps outlined in the “Restoring From Only Local Site files” section of this help doc:

Hope that helps give you a couple of avenues to go down! Let me know if I need to exand on anything!

Wow – thanks for a quick post reply!

It looks like the original poster and I have the same problem. Updraft creates files that Local can’t use.

I tried zipping my entire WP-content folder and using that, and still Local can’t use it.

I’m going back to my remote staging site. I’m not a web developer, just a cheap WP user who can’t afford 3 more paid plug-ins or hiring a professional to iron this out.

Thanks anyway.




I never heard you say you tried the first thing Ben Turner suggested. I, too, found that Local can’t handle the backups made by UpdraftPlus. BUT I started with a fresh, vanilla site; installed and activated the UpdraftPlus plugin; uploaded the 4+1 backup files UpdraftPlus made from my live site (.zips of uploads, themes, plugins, other, plus a .gz of the database) into the UP pane “Backup/Restore” (drag-and-drop into target block or click “Upload backup files”), then selected them all and clicked “Restore” . . . Voila! I had the site working in Local. Of course, I had to login again to the WP dashboard (using the credentials from my administrator account from the live site).
I’m so glad to have found this thread because I’ve been using UpdraftPlus on a lot of sites and was always stymied when trying to get them into Local. But this worked just fine for me.