Local doesn't really work?

My first step into Local and this is what I find. Not quite what I expected. And even this page took over 2 minutes to load. :see_no_evil:

The only thing Local tells me is that “This site’s WordPress URL settings do not match the host set in Local,” but “Fix it” doesn’t do anything…

I’ve now tried importing this three times (both Custom and Preferred, not altering anything); the “URL settings” warning is gone, but the site still looks like this. I thought this would be a better alternative to MAMP, which I ran successfully for awhile, but it created a bunch of file system problems. Seems like Local is even less successful.


Hey @lodenmuse – Welcome to the Local community!

It looks like Local is “sort of” working – that content seems specific to the site. For example, there’s a nav menu that includes “Interior Design.” The main issue appears to be that CSS isn’t showing for some reason.

It’s hard to know exactly why that’s happening, but a good first step would be to examine the browser console for any errors that might be present.

Additionally, in the address bar of the browser, I’m seeing that it appears to be secure because the padlock is solid. One thing to double check is if the site’s SSL certificate has been trusted by clicking the “Trust” button on the site over view page in Local.

Hey! Thanks for your comments. You got the “sort of working” part right. So here’s what I’ve done:

I tried also setting up in Local a small other site I’ve started. Like a charm.

Sooooo, what I think might be messing up this main site is that I don’t have my WordPress files in my root folder. To keep my root folder from being busy with all the WP files, I put them in their own folder and altered my index.php file to point to them (I didn’t think this up, I got it from someone else and it works super). I think this is why the framework of the site looks like it’s all there, but without any of the meat that holds it together…?

But how do I correct this? Dunno. :man_shrugging:t2:

Yeah, I’m not sure how to undo that. I know that some Local users have configured their sites to use Bedrock, but it’s been a long time since I’ve tinkered with that and Local doesn’t really know about Bedrock sites, so it’s not something I recommend to users who aren’t familiar with the various things to configure.

Are you able to reach out to whoever helped you create the site initially to see what they have to say about returning the site to a more traditional WP site setup?

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