Issue Summary
Installed Local ver 5
Now when I go to my other sites using my standard Laravel Valet/mysql setup, the site can’t connect to database.
After long rabbit hole of checking mysql versions and path issues – I tried updating application/site configs to connect to instead of ‘localhost’. Was a relatively easy fix, but I’m displeased that Local hijacked localhost without telling me. I’d also like to know how to undo this change.
I did notice that when I started Local, I wasn’t able to use it’s host file domains as I’m using Valet. But once you tell Local to use ‘localhost’ there is no way to toggle it back in the UI.
Troubleshooting Questions
System Details
- Which version of Local is being used?
Ver 5.9… downloaded as of 12/17/20
- What Operating System (OS) and OS version is being used?
OSX 10.15.7