Just upgraded to latest v.5 Local. Exported a site from previous Local and imported OK into new Local.
I get the error message in orange saying: WordPress URL settings don’t match the host set in Local. Fix It.
Site Host is set to localhost:10000 and they option to amend has now disappeared.
Click on view site and it takes me to http://localhost/?cache-buster=499 with a Valet - Not Found. I’m using Laravel Valet for my Laravel development flow.
I click on Fix It CTA by the error at the top and it reprovisions but no change.
Not sure what to do to get this site migrated from old Local to new Local and working.
Looks like something’s going on with the latest Local. Another user just reported a similar problem.
My guess is that the Router Mode is defaulting to “localhost” instead of “Site Domains,” which is the normal mode you would expect.
In Settings > Advanced, check the Router Mode. If it’s “localhost” try changing to “Site Domains.” You’ll probably then get a warning in Local that the domain in Local doesn’t match the URL in the site (or something to that effect). Go ahead and let Local make the change for you and (hopefully) you’ll be back to normal.
If that fails, the next thing I would try would be to repeat the import process making sure ahead of time that the Router Mode is “Site Domains.”
The third thing you could try are the two alternative import methods I suggested here.
So I do that and get: Local may detect a port conflict on ports 80 or 443. If it does, Local will offer to use localhost. When in doubt, click “Use localhost” and Local will take care of the rest!
So it defaulted to localhost because of this port conflict.
That’s interesting. I have no experience with Laravel Valet so I can’t help with that question. Maybe it’s possible to run it on different ports? But then maybe the browsers expect to do http(s) on the particular ports that are in conflict.
I think I’m at the limit of my expertise here. But I can see that there are a bunch of people having trouble with imports. And, as you suggest, perhaps it has something to do with other hosts or software running on their machines.
Glad you solved it! And maybe you’ll even be able to have your cake and eat it, too. It looks like Laravel support is planned: https://localwp.canny.io/feature-requests