It says Extracting import up to 200 files then brings up the error and starts deleting them. I have checked other topics on here and no one has a solution to solve this.
Using WIndows 10 and the latest local.wp Does anyone have a solution in letting this application in updating the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts ???
We have a Windows Troubleshooting guide below that goes over some common items worth checking. For example, make sure you’re running Local as an admin user, that you don’t have any security blockers, and that Local has access to update your Hosts file.
Update: So some time ago I used LocalWP v7.1.0+6396 to load a clone of my website from a .gz Softaculus backup without an issue by dumping the compressed file into LocalWP and it made the local site without an issue. Your latest version or unsure may be the next one up from that who knows caused this not to work and complain about the administrative privileges. So what I did was pull a backup of my older LocalWP v7.1.0+6396 and replace the latest version of LocalWP in
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Local and do the same thing and it worked without an issue.
So whatever is going on with your latest version of LocalWP needs fixing. LocalWP v7.1.0+6396 worked without an issue, the latest version does not.
Local requesting privileges is a normal part of the application and always has been. Local needs approval to be able to do things like update the hosts file when creating new sites or making changes to existing sites like a domain name for example.
I’m glad reimporting the site resolved the issue however but we don’t believe it to be related to the latest release at this time as we are unable to replicate the problem in our Windows testing.
As I said, your latest version would not allow me to import my website. I have tried many times. I have tried full backups, Softaculus and even JetBackup and none worked.
As soon as it said “Local is requesting administrative privileges to modify your /etc/hosts file” on Extracting import at 200/— MB it would reverse changes and say Deleting with a notice in the bottom right “Please try again with a compatible ZIP file.”. As soon as I changed the version of LocalWP to v7.1.0+6396 and tried again, it actually imported without issues with the same compressed .gz
The fact the older version worked and the newer one won’t I believe is an issue with the newer one. It reverses setup at any slight issue. Either way, my older version of LocalWP worked.
BTW if the application is requesting administrative privileges to the hosts file in Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts is automatically blocked by default by Windows. If it needs permission, it should just have it’s own hosts as I have used many local applications that ran through the browser that never needed the System32 hosts file at all. I think that needs to change.
The Hosts File Permission prompt is something we are reviewing for down the road. Thank you for your feedback here and glad you’ve got your site working again