Local doesnt start after the latest update! Just clicking the icon and nothing happens. I
ve lost tons of my websites!
Please help to resolve the issue urgently!
Hi Romanferens,
I have the same issue. I tried to unistalling the 5-2-8 version and reinstalled the 5-2-4 version but I am still facing the problem.
I can see the program is open in my task manager, but I can’t access it.
Windows 10 user
Hi, I just found a solution using the Windows desktop display settings after searching why a open program was not showing in Windows. Hope this helps. (https://www.dominicdesbiens.com/articles/comment-faire-reapparaitre-la-fenetre-dun-logiciel-windows-qui-a-disparu.html) - In French, to make your success a victory.
Thank you for the reply, but unfortunately it is not my case(
The program does not even start and there is no icon in the task manager.
I am going to install the older version above the existing one, but not sure if i loose my websites.
Hi all!
Installing the older version above the broken one will fix the issue. Also, i saved all the websites but backup will work better:)
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