Mailhog Port Conflict Issue

Issue Summary

mailhog does not work on some sites on local. It seems it’s due to port conflict issue.
I’m looking for a way to change the port number

Troubleshooting Questions

  • Does this happen for all sites in Local, or just one in particular?
    A few.

  • Are you able to create a new, plain WordPress site in Local and access it in a Browser?


I don’t know if you can replicate it.

System Details

  • Which version of Local is being used?
    Version 6.4.2+6012

  • What Operating System (OS) and OS version is being used?

    • macOS Monterey
  • Attach the Local Log. See this Help Doc for instructions on how to do so: (297.4 KB)

Hello @digamber - thank you for your question!

Are you receiving an error message related to mailhog?

To my knowledge, there is no way to change the port number. One workaround is to use localhost as your Router mode but that would impact all Local sites. Is that an option for this project?

Let’s start there,


Hey @sambrockway

Been a while - i had to start a new site because i really needed mailhog
Only a few sites have port conflicts - not all.

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