It would be nice if we could set the router mode based on project instead of only one global setting.
Hi @davebeauchemin - thanks for the feature request. I’m interested in learning more about this use case. Can you explain how you would use this? Is there a reason you’d like some projects on localhost and others on a site domain?
Hi @austinwendt I’m currently working on 2 projects and the first project is a WP installation used only as a backend with WPGraphQL and the second project is a basic WP site. The problem is when I’m working on the headless wordpress, the request sent from the frontend (React Application in SSR with ApolloClient) needs to be sent to[local-wp-port] without SSL (I will skip why instead of localhost or site domains, but it only work this way for now). Then when I’m working on a default WP site like my second project I would like to be able to use the site domains instead of localhost for the site url.
Hey @davebeauchemin - that makes sense! I appreciate the extra context, that is helpful. Let me get back with the team and what the changes to Local would look like to make this possible.