[Need Information] Too many retries waiting for SSH to be available ... Maximum number of retries (60) exceeded

Hi all,

If you’re seeing the following error in your Local by Flywheel logs this thread is for you! We’re working on gathering information to solve this issue once and for all.

Too many retries waiting for SSH to be available. Last Error: Maximum number of retries (60) exceeded

We’ve tried reproducing this on both physical PCs as well as in Parallels and haven’t had much luck.

Information We Need

  • Do you have Anti-Virus, Internet Security, or any type of software firewall? If so, what are they and how are they configured?
  • Are you running a VPN?
  • Do you have Cygwin, Git, or anything installed that includes OpenSSL binaries?

Relevant Threads


I made this article:

I realise this is the same as the following article. Basically, the ‘Local Image’ never installs when I first open Local. If I close it and re-open, the just hangs on the “Starting Local Machine” page. I’ve restarted the VM, reinstalled Local etc. and done all-sorts but no luck:

  • I have no Anti-Virus, Internet Security or Firewall that I’m aware of
  • I’m not running a VPN
  • I do have Git and Ampps. But OpenSSL isn’t enabled as far as I’m aware

I installed Local on a similar machine and it worked fine, but not this one.

I’ve attached the log:
local-by-flywheel.log (81.0 KB)

Thank you.

Hi Elliot,

This looks like it’s a conflict with the Vagrant NFS mounts.

If you’re not using vagrantmagento2 I would recommend editing /etc/exports (sudo nano /etc/exports works well) and removing the Local by Flywheel entry and any others that you think will conflict.

Then, you can try re-opening Local.

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Perfect, thank you!

I removed vagrantmagento2 as it wasn’t being used and left the Local by Flywheel in there and that worked fine.

Kind regards,

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Hi @clay,

Actually - it seems to be on-and-off. It works sometimes, but then when I re-open later, it just says “Checking System…”.

I’ve just updated to 2.0.6.

I’ve attache the log :slight_smile:

Thank you

local-by-flywheel.log (122.6 KB)

Hi all,

If anyone is running into this issue, please try upgrading to the following build of Local 2.2.4:

If you never got past the initial “Local Machine” step when installing Local, you may need to delete the local-by-flywheel VM in VirtualBox and then attempt the installation again.

I am running Local 2.2.4, which I just updated to today in the hope that this would resolve my longstanding issue where Local never gets past the “Starting Local Machine” screen.

  • I do not have any anti-virus, security, or firewalls in place.
  • I have a VPN that I connect to occasionally using Pulse Secure, but whether I am actually connected to the VPN or not does not seem to make a difference.
  • I do have Git installed on my computer. I usually use the GUI interface but sometimes I use Terminal to interact w/ git.

Here is my log file, which stops at this message: Too many retries waiting for SSH to be available. Last error: Maximum number of retries (60) exceeded

local-by-flywheel.log (778.7 KB)


Sorry for the trouble!

Can you please try this build of 2.2.4? It is not the same as the publicly released version: http://local-by-flywheel-flywheel.netdna-ssl.com/support/test-builds/local-by-flywheel-2-2-4-build-2-mac.zip

If the issue persists even after using this test build, please try running the following command in Terminal. Provide the output in your reply here once it’s done running.

"Applications/Local by Flywheel.app/Contents/Resources/extraResources/virtual-machine/vendor/docker/osx/docker-machine" -D start local-by-flywheel

How do I install this version without overwriting my existing Flywheel projects?

This will only replace the Local application itself.

The site files databases, and Local settings will remain unaffected.

It looks like updating to your test version of 2.2.4 fixed it. I didn’t need to enter the terminal command. Thank you!

Fantastic! Thanks for testing :slight_smile:

For the record, the change in that test build will be available in the next public release of Local.

Oh, if 2.2.4 were so helpful…

Local is fabulous … when it works, and it was working the last time I needed it a couple of weeks ago. Since then, Windows Update has visited. {sigh}

2.2.3 would not start earlier today: waiting for IP address.

I uninstalled 2.2.3, uninstalled VirtualBox 5.2.4, rebooted and installed 2.2.4.

The installation “Let’s Go” panel completed the VirtualBox step and the Host Machine step. It did not complete the Local Image step. After waiting a good while (30 minutes), I exited, and tried again. 15 minutes later, I see the dreaded “Too many retries waiting for SSH…” message.

My system is Windows 10 - 1803.
I do not use any VPN service.
I do not, as best I can tell, have any OpenSSL stuff installed. (Removed GIT and rebooted before this last attempt.)

Advice? I really am eager to debug a fussy WordPress site, what Local helps me do best.


local-by-flywheel.log (2.1 KB)

Holy success Batman!!

Having mucked around endlessly, I decided one last try. I downloaded 2.3.1 (beta) and installed it over the existing 2.2.4. I did not remove any previous versions, nor did I reboot.

In mere seconds, Local flashed to life. Dunno why, but I’m happy to see it working again.


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