New install of WooCommerce outputs errors

When installing the WooCommerce plugin the plugin isn’t installing properly.

The plugin generated 548 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.

I’m seeing the same thing. Following along for a solution :slight_smile:

Hi @nlindeman and @dustinhartzler,

Sorry for the trouble!

Can you both provide the following info?

  1. Is this site running the Preferred or Custom environment?
  2. Are you on macOS or Windows?
  3. Is Faster Docker Volumes enabled in Settings » Advanced?

I’m using a Preferred environment on macOS and yes to Faster Docker Volumes.

  1. Preferred
  2. macOS 10.13.1
  3. Faster Docker Volumes enabled

Thanks for the info!

Can you both try temporarily disabling Faster Docker Volumes?

Also, what version of Local are you guys using?

I’ve turned off Faster Docker Volumes and it doesn’t seem to help in version 2.1.2

However, if I download WooCommerce outside of the local install and add to the site, things seem to work fine with both the Faster Docker Volumes on and off.