If you are still being prompted to log in to the “WP-Admin” after toggling on “One-click admin” and you are using Site Domains for your Router Mode then we suggest switching from that to localhost. Another option is to do a search and replace for https > http.
It stopped to work on macOS as well some time ago (don’t remember in which Local version) for ngnix websites but One-click admin automatic login still works for Apache websites when using SSL.
I can confirm that the one-click admin does not work when using SSL (on a Mac). Initially after spinning up a fresh site with the preferred environment (no SSL) the one-click admin works as expected. When I then enable SSL though (following the procedure described here) the one-click admin does no longer work and always leads to the login page.
I just checked with the team and this is something they’ve had in their backlog and are looking into. So it is still a bug at this time but one on our map for getting fixed up.
Thank you for your patience and communication with us!