Option to Push/Pull database or files separately + Push/Pull from Live vs. Staging

At the moment it seems you can only do either of the following with the Connect To Flywheel feature:


  • Everything (files + database)
  • Files (exclude database)


  • Everything (files + database)

What I propose, would be the ability to do the following, for greater flexibility:


  • Everything (files + database)
  • Files
  • Database

This way, if I need the site files but not the database, I can pull just that. Or if I want to push the database but no files, I can do that. Or alternatively, push/pull the whole lot.

Push/Pull from and to Live vs. Staging

Not only these options, but I also think a major improvement would be the ability to choose whether to push or pull from the live site, or the staging site (if there is one). This would make deploying so much easier!

Thank you and I hope you consider!