Problem displaying accents after importing a site in Local via Duplicator

Hi !
New to Local.

I wanted to import one of my old WordPress sites into Local using Duplicator.
Since I don’t know anything about it, I just did it willy-nilly:

  • I clicked on the big +
  • I chose “Select an existing ZIP”.
  • I selected my big ficiher zip duplicator.
  • I waited
  • Then I logged into the WordPress back office with my credentials

Everything is in place.
BUT my language (French) has a lot of accents (é è à ê…).
And they don’t display properly.
It shows “├®” instead of “é”

What did I do wrong ?
How can I fix that ?

Thanks for your kind help !

Translated with (free version)

Hi @cottetweb

You might have to do some manual search and replace or find a S/R plugin that can help here. I know you aren’t using Live Links but the steps wouldn’t be dissimilar to these:

Troubleshooting Live Links

Your S/R commands might look something like this:

wp search-replace "é" "é" --dry-run &&
wp search-replace "è" "è" --dry-run &&
wp search-replace "É" "É" --dry-run &&
wp search-replace "ö" "ö" --dry-run &&
wp search-replace "ä" "ä" --dry-run &&
wp search-replace "Ã¥" "å" --dry-run &&
wp search-replace "ç" "ç" --dry-run &&
wp search-replace "ê" "ê" --dry-run &&
wp search-replace "î" "î" --dry-run &&
wp search-replace "â" "â" --dry-run &&
wp search-replace "Ã" "à" --dry-run

For more examples you can check here:

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Thank you so much for your help. I read and try all of these.

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