Problem pulling site

I believe I’m very familiar with LocalWP and use it all the time. BUT I had one client (Paradise-Earthworks) that wanted to close his site, so I wanted to pull it into LocalWP. I succeeded! Now his site is gone, it was deleted yesterday.

So I want to pull my site down to LocalWP too, and I go through the process and get to the select the site and only Paradise-Earthworks shows, but not my site (Rustic Pines). I’ve been trying off and on since yesterday. Any ideas?

Hi @Susanna - thank you for bringing your question to the community! :wave:

Are you logged in to your Flywheel or WP Engine account? You’ll need to connect to the account that has your site in it in order to see it, it sounds like you might be connected to your client’s host still?

Let me know!


Thanks Sam. I’ll try again today. His site was deleted Saturday. I’ve been using local for over a year with several sites. So this was confusing!

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Hi @Susanna -

Totally, let me know if it works!


Hi Sam, well after a few days, it won’t connect to my site. The dropdown to select which site to download is greyed out. I was logged into wordpress on Flywheel.

Also the update downloads and then fails. This is over several days also.

If I delete LocalWP in order to reinstall, will I lose my sites?

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