I’ve been using Local since before it was able to connect with Flywheel, and I’m a big fan. It’s greatly simplified my local development workflow. Would love to see a push/pull for Database only in the future!
All of that aside, it did something today that has me honestly a little (a lot) freaked out. I initiated a pull for one of my sites so that I could test a few updates locally before running them on the live site. When I swapped back into my IDE to work on another site I have set up through Local, I noticed the wp-config.php had been overwritten and the database prefix was changed. This was obvious to me as I had just been in there to add some constants for debugging a plugin.
Local pulled my live site, and overwrote the wrong local site, adding the database and dropping the files in the wrong location obliterating what had been there.
I’m backing up all my local dev sites right now. Thankfully this only overwrote a sandbox site, but I’m super worried of what could happen in the future to other dev sites I only have a local copy of.
I have also just experienced this issue – initiated pull from Flywheel for one local site, then during this process, started up another local site and local overwrote the second site, not the one that I initiated the pull from.
+1 for the positive comments on Local in general though.
I just had this happen to me as well. I was pulling a site down to Local from Flywheel and after turning on another local site while that was processing upon completion i got a message that the site I had just turned on that I wasn’t syncing had completed syncing.
Upon looking at things, my site that I didn’t sync has been replaced with the one I was trying to sync, except there is an empty theme folder for the theme I was running on that site…
I had the same thing happen and I just kicked myself in the foot for not backing up on github.
Luckily I did have the live site still live so I was able to pull all of the live theme files to my local computer. I used FTP but I know there are many WordPress plugins that do the same thing. I didn’t really need the database because I was just editing theme files, and I know it would be all the more complex otherwise. Anyway, after that I just made a new local by flywheel site, plopped the theme files in, added some content just so I could see what my changes looked like and then using FTP updated the live theme.
I don’t know how beneficial this was but just incase anyone finds themselves in this situation.My main take away from the slight freak out I had yesterday was make github your friend! I am going to try and be better at this so I never have to be concerned about anything being lost because at the end of it all, I love using flywheel and local by flywheel.
Hey @ben.turner, it’s not a feature that we’ve used since, so no, we haven’t had this issue. We keep our Local app up to date, so it would have been using the most up to date version that was available at the time we reported the issue