I symbolically linked docker and docker-machine into /usr/local/bin (which is on my $PATH) for convenience.
cd /usr/local/bin
ln -s "/Applications/Local by Flywheel.app/Contents/Resources/app/main/virtual-machine/vendor/docker/osx/docker-machine"
ln -s “/Applications/Local by Flywheel.app/Contents/Resources/app/main/virtual-machine/vendor/docker/osx/docker”
In a terminal execute $> eval $(docker-machine env local-by-flywheel)
In the same terminal $> open /Applications/SimpleDockerUI
Next trick… I’m now running Jenkins in a docker container alongside LbF.
Now is it going to be worth trying to get some integration between the two, and how?
Run jenkins in a LbF site?
a pros - distribution via blueprint
b cons - not worth the effort, and you only need one (LbF is suited to Multiple variations on a theme for which it beats the competition e.g. several concurrent versions of a website, while migrating from PHP5 to PHP7)
Write or ask for an add-on to open SimpleDockerUI (button/menuitem)
Write an add-on for integration with LbF <-> Jenkins features - e.g. run tests
a Jenkins to find and run stuff inside LbF site containers - e.g. run test suite
b Jenkins to control LbF - snapshot a site, duplicate site run tests and delete the site