SQL error importing site

How do I resolve the following error? Keep in mind that I am not a tech expert. Local was unable to import the following SQL files: C:/Users/Chris/Local Sites/2023-03-01-e6tn5b2k02/app/sql/dbootjn6pwqljq.sql

Hi @Username1

Simply, Local wasn’t able to import the database for the site.

Can you provide some more details? Like your OS version, Local version, and a copy of your Local Log? Retrieving Local’s Log File

Was this a site you built or was hosted somewhere that you are now trying to import into Local?

Windows 10 - I don’t know the Local version, but it must be the latest because I downloaded it last week. We built the site with Elementor and it is currently being hosted on Siteground. I was referred by Elementor. They said that with your service I could build a new website while keeping my existing one up.
local-logs.zip (2.9 KB)

Hi @Username1 -

Thank you for the information.

How did you go about importing your site into Local?

Did you follow this help doc? Thank you!


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