A couple of days ago I finished a local web page and just that same day the application stopped working on my computer, I just make two clicks and in the mouse appears the icon to load, but the application never opens.
I restarted the computer
I tried to open the application without the windows antivirus, but it still does not work.
I would like to know how I can make it work again or in the worst case how I can get the copy of the web to be able to migrate it.
Hey @digit , welcome to the community forums and sorry for the disruption – let’s see if we can get things working again!
Can you give us a few more details so that we can understand what might be going on?
What OS and OS version are you using?
Were there any recent changes to the computer, for example, an upgrade to the OS version?
Can provide the Local Logs? You can get a zip of those logs by clicking the “Download Local Log” button from the “Support” tab of Local. See this help doc for more information:
It still does not work. But for me the urgent thing is not to fix Local, it’s to get the web page I developed. I would like to get the document or a way to make a backup. It is the work of several months.
The link you have given me to Retrieve Local’s Log File does not work, as I cannot open the application to request the reveal local log.
Something that I have seen is that the application does not open and in the cmd appears this error, also in the task manager appear 3 locals.
We don’t provide any remote, virtual support, but we’re still happy to try and help here. Have you tried manually searching through your files and folders to see if you can locate anything for Local or your site? It’s possible they may have shifted and not be on the same path as mine.
Did your machine go through any updates recently?
If you check your machine’s disk space, does it have plenty of room still?