Theme changed when new localhost installed

Bug Summary

Summarize the issue in one to two sentences.
Updated to new localhost and theme change. It’s missing interactive plugins although plugin is still intalled.

Steps to reproduce

As precisely as you can, list the steps it takes to reliably reproduce the issue.
Don’t know what to do.

Environment Info

Describe your environment.

  • What Operating System are you using?
  • What versions of site software (Nginx, Apache, PHP, MySQL) is used?
    php 8.1.9
    my sql 8.0.16
  • What version of Local is installed?
    Version 7.0.1+6387

Supporting info

Please provide your Local Log. See this Community Forum post for instructions on how to do so:

Include any screenshots or video recordings of the issue to help others reproduce. (80.9 KB)

Hi @Trice -

Did you change your Router mode from Site domains to localhost and then started experiencing this issue?

Here are a few things you might try:

  • Clearing your browser cache
  • Stopping and restarting the Local app
  • Stopping and restarting the site


Yes, I changed it back and it worked.
Is there a way to not have this issue and still change the domain?

Hi @Trice

If your Router Mode is currently set to Site Domains you should be able to edit that if needed. Is that what you’re asking?

Let me know if I’m misunderstanding your issue. Feel free to share any screenshots or a short video if that helps.

Site (8.0 KB)
Do you mean this?

I started the site with Sentinel-rebirth, but changed it to Sentinel. That’ll when the issue started, so I changed it back to Sentinel-rebirth, and it’s back to normal.

I wanted to change the domain before migrating the site.

Hi @Trice -

Got it, so you changed the Site domain. Thank you for clarifying!

Are you using some sort of page builder? I’m wondering if there was a caching issue happening when you changed the domain.


Yes, I’m using Elementor, but my home page header has Revolution Slider. That part didn’t show at all and some parts of Elementor.

Hello again
My client is not seeing the site’s home page, which has a revolution slider and some portions of elementor.

Client sees

I see

Hi there @Trice -

Is your client looking at this via Live Links? If so, you may be running into this issue:

There are some suggestions in this thread I would recommend trying:

Let me know if anything in there helps, we’ll get this figured out!
