My computer run aunder Linux 17.10. I installed Windows on Virtualbox and it runs perfectbly. When I install Flywheel, I get this message “This computer doesn’t have VT-X/AMD-v enabled. Enabling it in the BIOS is mandatory”. I check the configuration on my Virtualbox and the virtualization VT-X/AMD-v is on.
Can somebody help me ?
Hey @idoine –
Can you give us a little more info as to how you are trying to install Local? Are you installing it within a Windows Virtual Machine, or is Windows installed in a dual boot type of setup?
I have a Mac and have used a Windows VM to troubleshoot certain Local issues in Windows. The performance isn’t that great because of all of the virtualization involved, but I imagine it can be done.
I have seen instances occasionally where the hardware does support this, but that Windows reports it incorrectly. I’m not quite sure how to fix that, but it is something to consider.
Let me know a little more about how you are setting this up and I can try to help troubleshoot things.
– Ben
Hello Ben,
Many thanks for your quick reply.
I give you some more information.
Computer :
RAM 16 Go
Intel Core i7-4712MQ CPU @ 2.30Ghz x 8
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64 bits
HDD 500 Go
Installation :
I installed Virtualbox 5.2.8 r121009 (Qt5.6.1) on Linux several years ago have installed Windows 10 and it works perfectbly.
Description of the VM (it's in French but I guess you will understand easly... :-)) ). As you see, acceleration VT-x/AMD-V is installed on the VM.
<img src="//cdck-file-uploads-us1.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/flex019/uploads/lwpforums/original/2X/b/be05a1749c914012e2d2f68085d6a35757369ded.png" alt="">
Can you take a look at this superuser question: https://superuser.com/questions/1153470/vt-x-is-not-available-but-is-enabled-in-bios
It may be that Hyper-V is active in the windows VM
Try issuing this command from within a terminal in the Windows VM:
dism.exe /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V
And then restarting the Windows VM
If that doesn’t work, I don’t really know where to go from there since I’ve never had any luck running this sort of thing with a Linux host.
Let me know how it goes!
– Ben
Hi Ben,
Thks for your quick reply.
I'd try your trick, but th command doesn't recognize the function Microsoft-Hyper-V
Here is the log file DISM for the last command :
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM PID=6904 TID=7100 Scratch directory set to 'C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\'. - CDISMManager::put_ScratchDir
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM PID=6904 TID=7100 DismCore.dll version: 10.0.16299.15 - CDISMManager::FinalConstruct
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM PID=6904 TID=7100 Successfully loaded the ImageSession at "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Dism" - CDISMManager::LoadLocalImageSession
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6904 TID=7100 Found and Initialized the DISM Logger. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_InitializeLogger
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6904 TID=7100 Failed to get and initialize the PE Provider. Continuing by assuming that it is not a WinPE image. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6904 TID=7100 Finished initializing the Provider Map. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=6904 TID=7100 Successfully created the local image session and provider store. - CDISMManager::CreateLocalImageSession
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM.EXE:
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM.EXE: <----- Starting Dism.exe session ----->
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM.EXE:
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Host machine information: OS Version=10.0.16299, Running architecture=amd64, Number of processors=4
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Dism.exe version: 10.0.16299.15
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Executing command line: dism.exe /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6904 TID=7100 Connecting to the provider located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\Dism\FolderProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=6904 TID=7100 physical location path: C:\ - CDISMManager::CreateImageSession
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=6904 TID=7100 Event name for current DISM session is Global\{B15855A6-ECB5-4FED-9DBB-0044747E9B5A} - CDISMManager::CheckSessionAndLock
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=6904 TID=7100 Create session event 0x1ac for current DISM session and event name is Global\{B15855A6-ECB5-4FED-9DBB-0044747E9B5A} - CDISMManager::CheckSessionAndLock
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=6904 TID=7100 Copying DISM from "C:\WINDOWS\System32\Dism" - CDISMManager::CreateImageSessionFromLocation
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=6904 TID=7100 Successfully loaded the ImageSession at "C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D" - CDISMManager::LoadRemoteImageSession
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Image Session: PID=6228 TID=5556 Instantiating the Provider Store. - CDISMImageSession::get_ProviderStore
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Initializing a provider store for the IMAGE session type. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\OSProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM OS Provider: PID=6228 TID=5556 Defaulting SystemPath to C:\ - CDISMOSServiceManager::Final_OnConnect
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM OS Provider: PID=6228 TID=5556 Defaulting Windows folder to C:\Windows - CDISMOSServiceManager::Final_OnConnect
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM OS Provider: PID=6228 TID=5556 Host OS verion is 10.0 - CDISMOSServiceManager::SetDllSearchPath
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Warning DISM DISM OS Provider: PID=6228 TID=5556 Unable to set the DLL search path to the servicing stack folder. C:\Windows may not point to a valid Windows folder. - CDISMOSServiceManager::Final_OnConnect
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Attempting to initialize the logger from the Image Session. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\LogProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Found and Initialized the DISM Logger. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_InitializeLogger
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Warning DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Failed to load the provider: C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\PEProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider(hr:0x8007007e)
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Failed to get and initialize the PE Provider. Continuing by assuming that it is not a WinPE image. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finished initializing the Provider Map. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=6904 TID=7100 Image session successfully loaded from the temporary location: C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D - CDISMManager::CreateImageSession
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Target image information: OS Version=10.0.16299.431, Image architecture=amd64
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Image session version: 10.0.16299.15
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Getting the collection of providers from an image provider store type. - CDISMProviderStore::GetProviderCollection
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\CbsProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finished initializing the CbsConUI Handler. - CCbsConUIHandler::Initialize
2018-05-24 16:11:07, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 CBS is being initialized for online use. More information about CBS actions can be located at: %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log - CDISMPackageManager::Initialize
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Loaded servicing stack for online use only. - CDISMPackageManager::CreateCbsSession
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\MsiProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\IntlProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\IBSProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\DmiProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Driver Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Further logs for driver related operations can be found in the target operating system at %WINDIR%\inf\setupapi.offline.log - CDriverManager::Initialize
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\UnattendProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\SmiProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Warning DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Failed to load the provider: C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\EmbeddedProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider(hr:0x8007007e)
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\AppxProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\ProvProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\AssocProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\GenericProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\OfflineSetupProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\SysprepProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp\90CA5D8B-933E-40E2-A2D8-D6749FB73B6D\TransmogProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Transmog Provider: PID=6228 TID=5556 Current image session is [ONLINE] - CTransmogManager::GetMode
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Transmog Provider: PID=6228 TID=5556 Audit Mode: [No] - CTransmogManager::Initialize
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Transmog Provider: PID=6228 TID=5556 GetProductType: ProductType = [WinNT] - CTransmogManager::GetProductType
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Transmog Provider: PID=6228 TID=5556 Product Type: [WinNT] - CTransmogManager::Initialize
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Transmog Provider: PID=6228 TID=5556 Product Type ServerNT : [No] - CTransmogManager::Initialize
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Got the collection of providers. Now enumerating them to build the command table.
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: DISM Log Provider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: OSServices
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: DISM Package Manager
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Succesfully registered commands for the provider: DISM Package Manager.
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: MsiManager
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Succesfully registered commands for the provider: MsiManager.
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: IntlManager
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Succesfully registered commands for the provider: IntlManager.
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: IBSManager
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: DriverManager
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Succesfully registered commands for the provider: DriverManager.
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: DISM Unattend Manager
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Succesfully registered commands for the provider: DISM Unattend Manager.
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: SmiManager
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: AppxManager
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Succesfully registered commands for the provider: AppxManager.
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: ProvManager
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Succesfully registered commands for the provider: ProvManager.
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: AssocManager
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Succesfully registered commands for the provider: AssocManager.
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: GenericManager
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Succesfully registered commands for the provider: GenericManager.
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: OfflineSetupManager
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Succesfully registered commands for the provider: OfflineSetupManager.
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: SysprepManager
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Succesfully registered commands for the provider: SysprepManager.
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Attempting to add the commands from provider: Edition Manager
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Succesfully registered commands for the provider: Edition Manager.
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Processing the top level command token(disable-feature). - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::Private_ValidateCmdLine
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Attempting to route to appropriate command handler. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Routing the command... - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered the option "disable-feature" with value "Microsoft-Hyper-V" - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::Private_GetPackagesFromCommandLine
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Encountered an unknown option "disable-feature" with value "Microsoft-Hyper-V" - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::Private_GetPackagesFromCommandLine
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Failed to get the Update through CBS. - CDISMPackage::Internal_OpenFeature(hr:0x800f080c)
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Failed to get the underlying CBS Feature - CDISMPackage::OpenFeature(hr:0x800f080c)
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 Feature name Microsoft-Hyper-V is unknown. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::Private_GetFeaturesFromCommandLine(hr:0x800f080c)
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Unknown features were specified on the command-line. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::Private_GetFeaturesFromCommandLine(hr:0x800f080c)
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Failed to get the Feature List from the command line. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::Private_ProcessFeatureChange(hr:0x800f080c)
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Failed while processing command disable-feature. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine(hr:0x800f080c)
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Further logs for online package and feature related operations can be found at %WINDIR%\logs\CBS\cbs.log - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Found the OSServices. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Found the OSServices. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Found the PE Provider. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing the servicing provider(DISM Package Manager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing CBS core. - CDISMPackageManager::Finalize
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: DISM Package Manager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing the servicing provider(MsiManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: MsiManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing the servicing provider(IntlManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: IntlManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing the servicing provider(IBSManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: IBSManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing the servicing provider(DriverManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: DriverManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing the servicing provider(DISM Unattend Manager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: DISM Unattend Manager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing the servicing provider(SmiManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: SmiManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing the servicing provider(AppxManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: AppxManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing the servicing provider(ProvManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: ProvManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing the servicing provider(AssocManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: AssocManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing the servicing provider(GenericManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: GenericManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing the servicing provider(OfflineSetupManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: OfflineSetupManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing the servicing provider(SysprepManager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: SysprepManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Finalizing the servicing provider(Edition Manager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: Edition Manager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Releasing the local reference to OSServices. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Disconnecting Provider: OSServices - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6228 TID=5556 Releasing the local reference to DISMLogger. Stop logging. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=6904 TID=7100 Closing session event handle 0x1ac - CDISMManager::CleanupImageSessionEntry
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Image session has been closed. Reboot required=no.
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE:
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE: <----- Ending Dism.exe session ----->
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM.EXE:
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6904 TID=7100 Found the OSServices. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6904 TID=7100 Disconnecting Provider: FolderManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2018-05-24 16:11:08, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=6904 TID=7100 Releasing the local reference to DISMLogger. Stop logging. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
Hey @idoine –
I’m not sure where to go from here. I don’t know of anyone who has this kind of setup. If anyone else in the community has other suggestions I would love to hear them and see if this is doable!
– Ben