Unable to access Local sites

The past year I have been using the Local app with Flywheel host to locally create and edit a number of Wordpress websites. The past few weeks I have been unable to connect to any of these sites. When I try to connect to them I get a couple different error messages, depending on which site I’m trying to connect to.

When I had access to the sites, I believe nginx was the default server that was displayed. Now neither nginx nor apache are selected, and when I try to apply either server I get the following error message:

“Uh Oh! Unable to start site. Error: EPERM: operation not permitted rmdir (filepath on pc to a folder that doesn’t exist)”

Under the error message there is a filepath to an nginx includes folder in my hard drive; but I can’t find this folder in my hard drive. I do have a folder on my hard drive called “Local Sites” which contains the folders of all the sites I created with Local.

When I try to connect to a different site I get the following error message:

“Uh Oh! Local ran into an error. TypeError: Cannot read property ‘version’ of undefined Stack Trace: ‘in Unknown, in _, in ul, " etc., all listed in a long vertical column

I’m using the latest version of Local; and using Windows 10 Home.

If anyone can help me understand how to access or recover any of these sites I’d be very appreciative.

local-lightning.log (617.3 KB)

Did you ever get any help with this, I have a similar problem… I hope support are serious here or I wasted a month of work…

Hi Tommie,

Sorry to hear you’re having similar difficulties. I never got any feedback after leaving my question on the Local message board; you’re the first person that I know of to leave a comment.

I did however get some feedback from some folks at Flywheel. I think you should try running your sites through another app like xampp; theoretically you should be able to since all your files should be on your local computer.

Here’s a direct quote from the last person from Flywheel who messaged me concerning the issue:

"As your sites are in Local, they will indeed be backed up to your hard drive. Your site contents and database are stored within the App folder.

I believe Jarod’s suggestion to take a backup was referring to making a second copy of the three folders: app, conf and logs (Located in /Local Sites/SITE_NAME) as a safety net in the event they are deleted when you uninstall/reinstall local.

If the app doesn’t allow you to back those up via the Export function, you could navigate to those directories directly and make a copy that way. You should be able to then use those folders to restore the site in Local if needed." *end quote

To run your sites through xampp you might need to copy your sites’ relevant folders and paste them in a new location and/or change the directory root in the xampp configuration file. Since all your sites’ files should be on your computer, I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to run them through xampp.

I pretty much abandoned my projects on Local after not getting any feedback on the message board; so frustrating! From now on I’m playing it safe by sticking with xampp or mamp.

I hope this feedback will prove helpful, please let me know if you have any success. Good luck.

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