Yes I had tried a restart as well as doing a proper shutdown in Virtualbox (I use that all the time) and then restarting the entire VM via the Flywheel executable.
Nothing worked.
Finally after two days of Googling and probing I ran across someone who had to “disable” your Advanced (experimental) “Faster Docker Volumes” feature to get it to work.
I checked my settings and mine was already disabled, but on a whim I enabled it and restarted the local machine again.
That finally allowed me to get back into the sites.
I really love Flywheel Local, but I’ll have to say that events like this (and the amount of time that passes with no resolution other than “have you tried a restart?” makes me paranoid as hell about using it in a production environment.
So here is a pointed and related question.
If one day Flywheel will simply not work, HOW do I get my WordPress sites out of your environment so that I could drop them into WAMP or some time proven environment that always works?
I need to know this (as do others who are reading this) because none of us wants to take a chance on having our sites tied up in some proprietary environment where we might lose weeks or months of work.