Unable to open any site after upgrading to 2.2.3 for Windows


I just updated (manually) to 2.2.3 for Windows.

Now I can not access ANY site (old or new).

FWIW - There was an error during the update that Flywheel could not update the hosts file.

As a test, I renamed the file and recreated a new one with entries that are correct.

After that I added a new site in Flywheel and it DID create what appear to be correct entries.

I can open CMD and PING any of the sites in the hosts file by name and I get a reply, so the DNS does appear to be resolving.

The hosts file shows:

## Local by Flywheel - Start ## testsite.local #Local Site www.testsite.local #Local Site
## Local by Flywheel - End ##

However when I try to open the ADMIN or VIEW SITE for any of the sites, Chrome opens with a URL like:


Then it has an error on the page like:

This site can’t be reached
testsite.local refused to connect.
Search Google for test site local admin

This is a standard Windows 10 Professional 64 bit install with the standard Windows firewall and Windows Defender running.

I need help on this ASAP as I am dead in the water and totally unable to do any work on my existing sites or create new ones.

If I can’t get this resolved in a timely fashion I will have to dump Flywheel and lose over a month’s worth of work on a new site.


Hi Charles,

Sorry for the trouble!

Have you tried restarting the Local machine? You can do so by clicking on the menu icon in the top-left and then going to “Restart Local Machine”.

Yes I had tried a restart as well as doing a proper shutdown in Virtualbox (I use that all the time) and then restarting the entire VM via the Flywheel executable.

Nothing worked.

Finally after two days of Googling and probing I ran across someone who had to “disable” your Advanced (experimental) “Faster Docker Volumes” feature to get it to work.

I checked my settings and mine was already disabled, but on a whim I enabled it and restarted the local machine again.

That finally allowed me to get back into the sites.

I really love Flywheel Local, but I’ll have to say that events like this (and the amount of time that passes with no resolution other than “have you tried a restart?” makes me paranoid as hell about using it in a production environment.

So here is a pointed and related question.

If one day Flywheel will simply not work, HOW do I get my WordPress sites out of your environment so that I could drop them into WAMP or some time proven environment that always works?

I need to know this (as do others who are reading this) because none of us wants to take a chance on having our sites tied up in some proprietary environment where we might lose weeks or months of work.



Why is it that whenever I am searching an issue for Local, support tends to just drop off with zero answers to the problem?

I love the simplicity of local, but there are huge bugs that make it inoperable.

@LANSRAD, I apologize for the late response!

Restarting the VM helps in many cases since it will restart the VirtualBox virtual networking devices.

All of the site files are accessible in the site’s app/public folder. Local will also automatically dump the database into the site’s app/sql folder.

Your data is always portable and we have no intention of locking you in.