Unable to Site, Type Error - Cannot read property 'socket' of Null


I am using Local (v5.5.3+3667) on my Mac and receiving this error as I try to start my site locally.



Exact same issue here, in the same version. I tried to upgrade to the latest version and this bug happened. Then, I rolled back, and the issue persisted.

@mduarte I could not find any other solution, so I deleted the site and started again. Make sure you export the site first and then you can copy all the files over, so no work is lost.

@ravzmarwaha The export function didn’t work either, but gladly I had a backup.

@mduarte - Right, I just noticed today is that the site has to be ON(Started) before the ‘Export’ link shows up. Quite a conundrum :woman_shrugging:

I got this issue when trying to upgrade php version

Same thing here after upgrading from 7.3.1. to 7.4

I also just experienced this. Anyone have any ideas what’s going on? I also was trying to upgrade PHP version.

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