Unable to start site and Creation impossible - Again

I reported this issue a few weeks ago (Unable to start site and Creation impossible). Thank you for your previous response! The problem disappeared as mysteriously as it appeared—I still don’t know how or why. However, the issue has returned. Sometimes I can use Local without any problems, but other days it simply doesn’t work.

For context: I am unable to create a new site.

Could you please help me?

Thanks in advance!

System Details

  • Local Version: Version 9.2.0+6762

  • Operating System (OS) and OS version: Windows 11

Local Logs

local-logs.zip (31.3 KB)

Sorry you ran into this, @Marylie. Please can you try restarting your computer?

If that does not help, you could also try the steps Nick posted in Unable to start site and Creation impossible - #2 by Nick-B.

Hello nickc,
Thank you for your reply!

I’ve already tried the suggested actions, but unfortunately, the issue persists:

  • I restarted my computer and Local – no success.
  • In the Task Manager, I stopped MySQL – it stops, but then restarts itself after one second.
  • I attempted to create a new site in Local – this also didn’t work.

Any additional guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I have a similar problem happening after this morning’s update.

On some sites, but not all, when I start the local machine it appears:
Uh-oh! Unable to start site.

error: Can’t connect to MySQK server on ‘::1:10137’ (10061)’

I don’t know what to do

Is Local running when you stop MySQL? (If so, try stopping MySQL with Local closed.)

Do you have any other services that use MySQL?

What issue or error are you experiencing?

Kindly see attached file.
After i update local host is not opening. I reinstall old version and this error comes.
Kindly solve this issue.

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

System Details

  • Local Version:

  • Operating System (OS) and OS version:

Local Logs

Attach your Local Logs here (Help Doc - Retrieving Local’s Log)

Security Reminder
Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.

Hi @baaz

Can you try the steps mentioned here?

Ran into this very same issue this afternoon. I was able to work on my sites in the morning, but when I returned a few hours later I couldn’t get any of them started. I’m not sure what caused the problem, but what worked for me was creating a new site. Once the new site started successfully, I was able to start my other ones.

Edit: I just noticed that OP mentioned they can’t create a new site. I forgot to mention that I had the same issue at first. What worked for me was shutting down Local and trying again about an hour later.

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Same here. All my old sites stopped working, but I can create a new one and that one works. This seems to be a new and widespread issue.

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Thank you for sharing your experiences here @MLM8472 and @lemming3k - The team is aware of the issue and is looking into a more permanent fix, but in the meantime, using some of the troubleshooting/workaround steps mentioned in the link above will be necessary for those running into this. We don’t have an ETA on when we’ll have an updated release with a resolution, but we’ll be sure to keep everyone posted here with any additional followups!

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Had same problem after updating to Local 9.2.0 on Windows 10: Starting existing site results in error message. (Reproducible with all existing sites, but no problem with new sites.)
And it takes a long time to get this result.
But starting existings sites again worked.

After checking the Local 9.2.0 changelog I guess it is a somehow race condition with the MySQL update from 8.0.16 to 8.0.35:
Database is updated, but when called from starting site, the update or it’s registration is not properly ready for use. => Error!
But the second try afterwards calls the now finished update of the database … and is working.

Maybe this is a special situation on only my system, but I want to report it, for the possibility it could be helpful to anyone.

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Thank you @burnuser!

I have the exact same issue since the update, on Windows 11. I’ve tried the different steps you’ve mentionned but it doesn’t work. Please keep us updated.

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ma question est comment le resoudre

Hi @samad1995 - I’ve merged your post into this thread with others running into the same problem. There are some steps here you can try to workaround for now: