Hi there ! there is a BUG on LOCAL 2.3.2 version - nginx/ site.conf file line 19:
you wrote: include includes/wordpress.conf;
when it should be : include includes/wordpress-multi.conf; (for multisite) or include includes/wordpress-single.conf; (for single site)
This will fix the 502 Error Request on nginx.
Hi @royrogers,
Thanks for sharing the tip!
This has been addressed in Local 2.3.3 (there’s a test build here: What to do if your recently updated 1.3 environment website doesn’t start (and you want to go back)). We’ll likely release 2.3.3 sometime next week.
Another thing you can do to fix the issue in the meantime is enable symlink creation for non-admins.
Ok! You are welcome. I love local!
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