Hello there, greetings from Argentina, I decided to use VirtualBox to run a Windows inside my Mac to use Microsoft Access, I opened VirtualBox and it tells me there is an update that I can download and install.
Quiestion is: Is that ok with Local? Can I install the update or there will be something broken after? It tells me to install 5.1.12
Thank you in advance.
Yup, you should be safe to update!
I have opened a ticket already about this issue with Local by Flywheel and Using VirtualBox. I have lost my work in Android Virtual Studio as well as Local by Flywheel due to when I installed Virtualbox, Local won’t work anymore so I decided to uninstall Local Flywheel and recreate a Virtual Environment running Windows 10 pro and install local flywheel there. I keep getting a message that’s telling me that I need to turn on virtual blah blah in my bios. It’s already enabled so what is the problem? I have a massive headache by now so please help
Sorry for the trouble!
Can you please explain what happened with the Android emulator in more detail? Also, what was happening with Local prior to uninstalling? Was it getting stuck at a particular step on startup?
Also, are you running Android Virtual or Visual Studio?
Finally, do you know if you have Hyper-V enabled? See http://www.poweronplatforms.com/enable-disable-hyper-v-windows-10-8/