What do I need to do about SSL? Seeing errors

Various plugins etc are complaining about the WP site I’ve put on LocalWP.

What do I need to do?

Browser shows “Not secure”, https was struck-through.
“Certificate is not valid” etc.

In LocalWP settings, I have enabled “Trust”. When I click “Trust”, and have to enter my Mac system password, an orange bar pops up: “Heads-up! We ran into an issue trusting the Local SSL certificate.”

I see the guide at https://localwp.com/help-docs/ssl/managing-local-sites-ssl-certificate-in-macos/

If I ignore the orange banner and go to Keychain Access, I look for both sitename.local Keychains for “login” and “System”, then flip Trust to “Always Trust”…

I see now that, on the actual WordPress site, there is no SSL error in the URL bar, there is a padlock icon.

But, on the admin side, I still have “Not Secure”. “https” is not struck-through not, but still “Not Secure”. If I explore the certificate from this icon, I can see that Trust is also now “Always Trust” (previously, when I was changing that setting from inside the browser, it wasn’t sticking).

Actually, now, after doing that and force-refreshing a variety of dashboard pages, it seems like I’m getting the padlock to stay around sometimes but not other times.

The Debug Bar plugin is showing a Red error seeming to relate to @afragen’s WP-Debugging plugin, whilst on the plugins.php list…

- Method: HEAD
- URL: https://mysite.local/wp-content/plugins/wp-debugging/vendor/afragen/wp-dismiss-notice/js/dismiss-notice.js
- Code: http_request_failed

… and I’ve seen others. For example, on update-core.php…

|Toggle|475.9 ms|705.8 ms|GET|https://dashboard.wppusher.com/api/releases/latest?v=3.0.13|200|
|Toggle|1,244.5 ms|718.4 ms|POST|https://api.wordpress.org/plugins/update-check/1.1/|200|
|Toggle|2,017.2 ms|489.5 ms|POST|https://api.wordpress.org/themes/update-check/1.1/|200|
|Toggle|2,515.3 ms|468.3 ms|POST|https://api.wordpress.org/core/version-check/1.7/?version=5.9.2&php=7.4.1&locale=en_GB&mysql=8.0.16&local_package=&blogs=1&users=29&multisite_enabled=0&initial_db_version=49752|200|
|Toggle|3,001.3 ms|17.5 ms|HEAD|https://mysite.local/wp-content/plugins/wp-debugging/vendor/afragen/wp-dismiss-notice/js/dismiss-notice.js|http_request_fail|

All related, I think (?), but I don’t understand it properly.


Actually, I think I’ve convinced SSL to stay on now.

The errors may relate to the way Debug Bar measures the speed of HTTP requests for things like update checks…

Seems like it has quite a low bar for what constitutes slow - https://wordpress.org/support/topic/red-debug-bar-on-first-login-to-local-site/

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