Is anyone else having the issue that all project files are listed as ‘newer’ or changed when pushing/pulling to/from Flywheel? Sometimes it isn’t a huge inconvenience to deselect unnecessary files/folders, other times it can be. Often times the size of the push/pull is larger than it needs to be (not transferring only recently changed files).
Any help is appreciated. This started for me after the recent release of Local. Thanks,
I’ve seen this occur in Local 5.2.5 twice, but not on a third pull. All were 5.2.5. Puzzling. Local works for me most of time, but most of my sites there are simpler ones.
I have one larger, more complex site there, and it’s the only one that gives me issues sometimes. It’s so nice and easy when things just work, but the inconsistency is what is frustrating to me.
I can be working on a site for 5 days straight, and then need to switch “gears,” so I close Local for a day. Then the next day I restart Local, load that same site, and it starts complaining about the wrong site path, or some other issue. Usually, it’s a simple fix, but why should these things occur, simply because I closed Local and restarted a day later?