I need to edit max_input_vars and don’t know where php.ini is located in v.3.3.0 on Windows 10
Hi there,
Is located in:
Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\Roaming\Local by Flywheel\environments\YOUR_ENVIRONMENTS\components-core\YOUR_PHP_VERSION\conf
This is for general conf of your Local by Flywheel.
If you need for a certain site, you can see in:
Thank you for your assistance!
Please put shortcuts these locations somewhere in the app
And I don’t have conf folder in the individual site folders (Users\YOUR_USER\Local Sites\YOUR_SITE_NAME\conf) when using Local by Flywheel v.3.3.0
I do have a conf folder for individual sites created by using Local 5.0.7
Hi there,
For your individual sites, may be your Local Sites folder is different, but all your local sites have at least three folders (app, conf & log)
Inside app/public is where your WordPress site is.
Inside conf/ is where are apache, mysql, nginx and php folders.
But if not, you can search php.ini in folder where you have all your local sites.