Latest Flywheel, Windows 10. One site Apache. Turning on Faster Docker Volumes appears to work but then 30 seconds or so later, it switches itself off.
Looking into the log file, I can see the following (not sure if relevent)
Aug 13, 2018, 10:43 AM GMT+1 - error: [main/docker-machine-fdv] NFS Test Result Error: Command failed: C:\Users\Test User\AppData\Local\Programs\local-by-flywheel\resources\extraResources\virtual-machine\vendor\docker\windows\docker-machine.exe ssh local-by-flywheel sudo timeout -t 4 sh -c "/usr/local/etc/init.d/nfs-client restart && mkdir -p /tmp/nfs-test-H13hzRCHX && mount -t nfs -o udp,nolock,soft,noacl,actimeo=1,async /tmp/nfs-test-H13hzRCHX && [ -d "/tmp/nfs-test-H13hzRCHX/Test User" ] && echo 'success'"
sh: missing ]
exit status 2
at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:217:12)
at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:194:7)
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:899:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:226:5)
I have almost the same problem, I turn on Faster Docker Volumes, there seems to be some process that runs through each of my local sites, then Docker Volumes fails for each site and it’s auto-turned off. Using v2.4.2.
Haven’t tried re-installing from scratch but have tried restarting computer. Seems this is a bug.
I have 2.4.3 installed, and am experiencing the same problem but with Win7. I flip Faster Docker on, and then Flywheel automatically flips it off about 30 seconds later. I am notified with a little popup.
If Faster Docker Volumes isn’t staying enabled, then Local’s Faster Docker Volumes server may be getting blocked by the built-in Windows Firewall or a third-party firewall such as Zone Alarm, Kaspersky, etc.
When you first enable Faster Docker Volumes on Windows, you will see a confirmation like the one below. In order for Faster Docker Volumes to work, Local-Flywheel-WinNFSd.exe has to be approved so it can communicate with the virtual machine. In case you don’t approve it there, you can still approve it after the fact.
This seems to have worked for me. However, I have TWO entries for local-flywheel-winnfsd.exe.
Originally, one had Private enabled and the other had Public enabled.
After making them both checked for each of the two entries, I thought that they would merge and only one would show, but I still have two identical entries showing. Not sure why.
Just checked the entries and they are exact duplicates. So I deleted one.
After launching LOCAL again, it kept showing the blue popup “Faster Docker Volumes - Restarting NFS Server” repeatedly non-stop. I must have screwed something up accidentally… Ugh, seemed like everything had been resolved. I’ll restart the computer and see.
In the meantime, what do you think could be causing this popup to appear/disappear at the rate of 2 times per second?
Thanks, restarting the computer fixed the flickering Faster Docker Volumes popup box issue.
However I noticed the SSL on one or two of the sites was broken.
Is there a relation between the SSL certificate and the firewall / fast docker volumes?
I successfully changed by Win7 settings so that Local by Flywheel could poke through the firewall. When I start, a Flywheel pop-up message states “Local has successfully disabled faster docker volumes.”
I’ve tried restarting Local by Flywheel, destroying the VM, restarting the machine… same results every time.