WPEngine, xdebug no longer working

Issue Summary

Downloading a site from WPE seems to work, but when I open it, I get an error message saying “not a WP site”. Followed 0-config instructions for Xdebug, checked settings in PHPStorm, no matter what I do, it breaks on local-bootstrap.php and never finds desired breakpoints. This works fine on my Windows 11 install, problems only appear on MAC Ventura. This worked properly in the past. See attachment for error details.
Local WPE import error.zip (1.6 KB)

Troubleshooting Questions

  • Does this happen for all sites in Local, or just one in particular?
    All sites

  • Are you able to create a new, plain WordPress site in Local and access it in a Browser?
    Yes, and I can install a ZIP archive from WPE that works, but debugging still fails.


Describe the steps that others can take to replicate this issue. If you have screenshots that can help clarify what is happening, please include them!
Just connect to WPE and add a site from it.

System Details

  • Which version of Local is being used?

MACOS Ventura, local 6.6.1, phpstorm 2022.3.2 -

  • Attach the Local Log. See this Help Doc for instructions on how to do so:

Updated log:
local-logs1.zip (19.0 KB)

Security Reminder

Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.

Hi @gmccord

There were some users running into Ventura issues on this thread over here that may be able to provide some next steps for checking and troubleshooting:

If you’re still running into trouble keep us posted!

Well, mysteriously, the WPE downloads started working. I didn’t do anything different; they just downloaded and worked. One thing I did do was to increase my WPE account to the next level because i was at 98% storage usage. Maybe that had something to do with it.

Unfortunately, while that works now, XDEBUG is still broken.

Hey @gmccord

Glad to hear at least some things are back to normal!

So to clarify on the XDEBUG issue it’s still not working but only on Ventura? And is it only certain sites or all sites?

OK, an update. I completely removed local and PHPStorm and reinstalled them. The good news is that pulling projects from WPE is still working properly. Also, all of the xdebug error messages about not being able to connect to port 9003 are gone, and step debugging is enabled. The bad news is that xdebug only breaks in local-bootstrap.php via port 10004? Never breaks at my breakpoints. I have a ticket open with Jetbrains to see if they can help. All of this is very odd. Woks fine on my Win 11 PC. Its also a system-wide issue on my Mac. All projects behave the same way.

Hi @gmccord

For that piece, you might find some troubleshooting steps or links to other helpful posts in here:

Thanks for the link! I was able to get xdebug running by setting “auto_prepend_file = none” in php.ini. That stopped local-bootstrap from bothering me and PHPStorm now breaks on my breakpoints. Why this happens only on my Ventura/MAC is a total mystery. As I said before, this isn’t an issue on my Win 11 system with the exact same settings. Sure sounds like a Local bug to me!
Anyway, thanks for the help. I can use my MAC again!

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