Local x WP Engine Issue

What issue or error are you experiencing?

Every time I try to pull or push a site, it says “Uh-Oh! We ran into an issue when pulling from WP Engine.” I am truly at a loss for why this is happening. I have updated to the latest version of local, I have uninstalled fully and reinstalled, I have disconnected my local account and reconnected, I have disconnected my WP Engine account and reconnected, and restarted my computer multiple times and nothing is working. I have also tried to download a zip file from WP Engine and imported it into Flywheel. It imported and I see the files, but the site will not show up and it will not push or pull. Please help, I am at a loss.

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

Trying to pull or push any of my WP Engine sites to local.

System Details

  • Local Version:

  • Version 9.1.1+6738

  • Operating System (OS) and OS version:
    MacBook Pro 2021
    Sequoia 15.2

I have over 800GB left in storage, so there is plenty of space.

Local Logs

Attach your Local Logs here (Help Doc - Retrieving Local’s Log)

local-logs.zip (1.0 MB)

Security Reminder
Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.

Now I am getting this error when I try to start a site that is connected via WP Engine.

Hi @sroyal!

Is this happening with any site of yours on WPE or just a specific one? If it’s happening no matter the site, you might check and see if you can SSH into any of your installs. If you’re unable to SSH as well, then there might be a server issue. WPE support can verify and perhaps get a ticket into engineering to review that or if they are having an outage or maintenance they can follow up.

As a workaround, instead of pulling you could try to direct import a backup.

And as an alternative to pushing you can use their free migration plugin: