Better built in Log Viewer

I asked Clay about this back in the Pressmatic days, sounded like it got on the feature list back then and hopefully got carried over.

It would be extremely nice top bundle a log viewer with Local. Something like

I fell in love with PML when I was briefly using HGV (WP Engine’s Mercury local box). It was really nice, but there are lots of other options. and it’d be nice to have it “inside” Local as an add-on.

Bonus: if anyone wants to tryout PML, you can install it in the wordpress root and run it to configure it.

If you may (depending on PGP version) get a complaint about the timezone not being set in php.ini.

So, go to /conf/php/X.X.X/php.ini where X.X.X is your running PHP version (5.3.29 for example) and then into php.ini and change the commented out linke:
;date.timezone =
date.timezone = UTC

or some other valid timezone of your choice…

Then you’ll have logs that look like this:


Thanks, it worked for me. :slight_smile:

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Still really think something like this is desperately need to get built into Local.

Either view from the Local admin, or autoinstall PML just like phpmyadminer…

@clay you liked this idea back in the Pressmatic days, any hope for this?

Yup, still do! This would probably be best implemented as an add-on for Local.

I’ll make note of this, but I can’t make any promises at the moment since our roadmap is already quite full.

Thanks Clay. I noticed there were changes coming to add-ons in 2.3. I have no idea what that really means and like you have a lot on my plate.

Just thought I’d add some detail for how to add PML here.

I find the easiest way to install Pimp My Logs is with Composer (although you can use git/wget/zip whatever).

  1. in your terminal go to {site_name}/app/public/

composer create-project "potsky/pimp-my-log" pml

  1. In your browser go to https://{siteurl.test}/pml

click through all the defaults on the setup wizard and it’ll find your nginx and php logs.

  1. In the top menu switch from “Nginx Error #1” to “PHP Error #3”, which is probably the one you want to monitor.

  2. Enjoy

Now in 3 months when I need to do this again I might remember myself :smiley: