Can't push files from Local to WP Engien

When I try to push a single file from Local to WP Engien. Local fails to index my local files, multiple times.
When I am lucky that the indexing works, and I select a single CSS file to upload, an upload file will not upload, an error accurs. (172.3 KB)

Hi @bjornaa

Did this just start recently? Could you try updating to our latest release 9.2 and then restarting?

As a workaround for now, the free WPE Migration plugin works going from Local to WPE.

Hi Nick
Tanks for quick reply :slight_smile:
I have delete my Local app and re-installed it. But I keep getting this error. When I click Retry it returs with an error and advices me to contact Support.



Is there anything unique about your network? Are you using an office network, proxy or VPN?

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I don’t think so.
I have just jumped to another network and now it’s work.
I Will test on my other network tomorrow to see if I can push from there.

So for now - tanks for the support



Glad to hear that did the trick for now @bjornaa! Keep us posted if we can help any further.

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Hi Nick
I have narrowed the problem down to my wifi in my office. Is there somehow some settings I can adjust to get it running also on this Wifi?


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Nice work discovering that it’s network-specific, @bjornaa!

You could check a few things:

  • The network might have a firewall blocking SSH traffic. If you set it up yourself, it’s unlikely you’re blocking SSH. If you don’t administer the network yourself, talk to your network admin — they might need to allow SSH traffic or unblock port 22.
  • Your ISP might block or throttle SSH. Connecting via a VPN might help in this case.
  • It may be a DNS issue specific to that Wi-Fi network. You could try configuring your computer to use another DNS provider, such as
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